Issue #137

Hey you, yeah you!

Because I am under the weather, no video today updating the giveaway! Instead, here is an epic pic I snapped of the next item... Your very own React Native Business Cardholder!


Utilizing the React Framework for User Experience

A Quick Guide to React useCallback Hook

Preparing Your App for iOS 15 and Android 12

How to Build an Android News App with React Native and Native Base

BottomSheet v4 is here!

Implementing Code Splitting in React Native with Re.Pack
Reach out! This could be YOUR sponsor post here!



RNR 208 - React Native 0.65

In this episode, Jamon, Robin, and Jon highlight some of the new additions that you can expect to see in the newly released React Native v0.65....

RNR 209 - Favorite Third-Party RN Libraries

Robin, Jamon, Jon Major, and new guest-host Mazen Chami introduce their favorite third-party React Native libraries, including GiftedChat, RN Popover, and more! (In fact, Robin had so many we had to cut some out.)

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