In react-native, ScrollView (and
FlatList) component have support for
a prop
maintainVisibleContentPosition, which is really useful for
chat-like applications where you
want to see new messages scroll into
place. Also, you might need it in
other applications where you need
bi-directional infinite scroll.
Although currently it's only
supported on iOS. Stream has built a
simple wrapper for FlatList and
ScrollView to add support for this
prop for android.
The panel talks about styling
React Native apps -- styling
frameworks, pros and cons,
TypeScript integration, and more.
Plus we get to hear what happened
to Adhithi’s pop filter!
Our special guest, Rotem Meidan,
drops a ton of knowledge on how to
make your Detox tests more
reliable, including what the
causes of Detox test flakiness are
and how to solve them.