Issue #126

Getting Started with Realm for React Native

A Bullet-Proof Approach to Storing Sensitive User Data in React Native

How to Start a React Native Application

Should You Use TypeScript with React Native? [2021]

React Native Firebase Social Auth with Google on Huawei and Other Non-GMS Devices

Testing React Native Apps with Jest and Codemagic

maintainVisibleContentPositionprop support for Android react-native

In react-native, ScrollView (and FlatList) component have support for a prop maintainVisibleContentPosition, which is really useful for chat-like applications where you want to see new messages scroll into place. Also, you might need it in other applications where you need bi-directional infinite scroll. Although currently it's only supported on iOS. Stream has built a simple wrapper for FlatList and ScrollView to add support for this prop for android. 


What the Thing Is

RNR 188 - Styling with Style

The panel talks about styling React Native apps -- styling frameworks, pros and cons, TypeScript integration, and more. Plus we get to hear what happened to Adhithi’s pop filter!

RNR 189 - Reliable Detox with Rotem

Our special guest, Rotem Meidan, drops a ton of knowledge on how to make your Detox tests more reliable, including what the causes of Detox test flakiness are and how to solve them.

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