Issue #120

React Native at Wix

React Native Animation Using Hooks: Floating Heads

How to Manage Styles in React Native with Rootstrap's
useStyles Hook

How to Save Files to a Device Folder Using Expo and React Native

React Native Line v2

Ultimate Guide For Building a Chat App With React Native

Stream’s React Native v2.0
Chat SDK

Stream completely rewrote their React Native Chat SDK in TypeScript, & the improved v2.0 is now live.

Engineering Manager

Our Mobile Engineers are a critical part of our mission to deliver the cleanest, smartest, most efficient and trustworthy content to our users. You will architect and grow new and existing codebases, give technical input and feedback to Axios’ product and design teams for new features, and help develop the skills of your teammates with industry best practices around testing, accessibility, and documentation.

Square Terminal API

Connect your app to the all-in-one payments device merchants love

Connect your React Native
point-of-sale app to Square Terminal with a simple REST API. Square Terminal enables a modern checkout experience with a corner-to-corner touchscreen, built-in thermal printer, and wireless connectivity, all backed by the security and reliability of Square. Learn more.

Best in Class React Native Crash Reporting

Automatically detect crashes in your React Native apps using Bugsnag. Handle minified JS using sourcemaps. Surface fully symbolicated stacktraces for JavaScript, iOS, & Android all in one place. Try it free.



React Navigation
Roadmap for v6

Modal Implementation

RNR 179: iOS App Clips in React Native with Janic Duplessis

Janic Duplessis joins us to talk about the new iOS 14 feature, App Clips, and how he got them to work in React Native. We also quiz him on react-native-safe-area-context and running a custom version of React Native!

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