Issue #105
Hey Readers!

Crazy times huh? We'll get through it, just keep coding!
We've got a good bunch of topics to chew on in this issue that will keep you busy for a little while while we're quarantined.

Speaking of being trapped in your house until 🤷‍♂️... some of you might feel the urge to create a coronavirus app to help with the pandemic, and that's great! But just realize that Apple and Google are not allowing coronavirus apps in their stores from just regular developers.

And here's the unfortunate story of Seattle tech veterans who rushed to build an app to trace COVID-19 exposure only to run into Apple rejection.

tl;dr Don’t make a coronavirus app with the intention to distribute in App/Play Store!

In other news, Expo SDK 37 is now available and they've decided on quarterly releases, so that should provide some stability in the developer experience. Thanks to Brent and the team at Expo!


P.S. I'm still working out the home studio for the video of Frank's Picks, hopefully in the next issue 🤞
Frank von Hoven at Infinite Red

ReactJS Higher Order Components Tutorial

Use this quick tutorial to level-up your dev skills by learning how to create and understand higher-order components - a function that takes a component and returns a new component!

React Native 0.62 and Flipper Will Change Your Mobile Development Experience and Make it Easier!

A nice walkthrough of Flipper for debugging in React Native, what is it, and how you can start using it right now in your app!

Working with App State and Event Listeners in React Native

This article introduces the concept of App State, and explores common scenarios where App State is used via the AppState API in React Native.

How To Use React Native AsyncStorage

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to persist a user's data in so that when the user restarts the app, the data will be available to the user in the state they left before closing the app!

Forms in React Native, The Right Way

Handling forms in React Native is a crucial task in your journey as a developer - think login and sign up screens (oh the humanity ). This post will walk you through setting up react-hook-form to help you save a lot of time for your next sprint!

How to Create a Custom Hook to Change Status Bar Styles for Every Screen Using React Navigation

In this tutorial, you'll use Expo to create mock screens with different background colors, then create a custom hook to keep track of the app's status bar color change when a screen changes!

Best in Class React Native Crash Reporting

Automatically detect crashes in your React Native apps using Bugsnag. Handle minified JS using sourcemaps. Surface fully symbolicated stacktraces for JavaScript, iOS, & Android all in one place. Try it free.


An easy-to-use customizable bubble animation picker, similar to the Apple Music genre selection.


Performant, flexible, and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation.

Instagram Pinch-to-Zoom - “Can it be done in React Native?”

React Native Firebase | Install Firebase React Native Tutorial

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