Issue #102
Hey Readers!
How about that T-shirt image in the last issue huh...
What can I say? Computers are hard. 🤷‍♂️
But this issue is going to be a fun one because we've got NEW React Navigation out! And a bunch of articles on how to use it and even a video, so sit down and get ready for a ride with some next-level navigation! 

Frank von Hoven at Infinite Red

Implementing GraphQL with a REST API


How to Manage Staging and Production Environments in a React Native App


React Navigation 5.0 - A New Way to Navigate

This newest version of React Navigation represents a major refactoring of the API. Read more about the changes and how to implement them in this post

Deep Linking in React Native

If you've ever experienced clicking on a link in an email and the relevant app opening, then you've used a deep link. Learn how to implement deep links in your app with this in-depth article.

React Native Debugging Experience Improves with Flipper

React Native 0.62 RC2 introduces integration with Facebook's new debugger - Flipper. This post will preview how this new tool works in a default React Native app so you can start debugging your app in no time!

React Navigation v5 + React Native Paper =

This blog post will show you how to build a Twitter clone app using React Navigation v5, with its new API, and React Native Paper.

React Native for Windows - Milestone 4 Updates

Did you know that you can use React Native to develop apps for Windows?
Find out all the newest changes and updates in this blog post from the team.

Best in Class React Native Crash Reporting

Automatically detect crashes in your React Native apps using Bugsnag. Handle minified JS using sourcemaps. Surface fully symbolicated stacktraces for JavaScript, iOS, & Android all in one place. Try it free.

Chain React 2020

Chain React will be back in Portland, Oregon on July 29-30, 2020.
Join us for talks, workshops and more fun with the React Native community ⚛️
Early Bird tickets are now available until March 13, 2020
or until they’re sold out! 


React Native wrapper around SharedPreferences and Keychain to provide a secure alternative to Async Storage!


A POWERFUL React Native starter kit to bootstrap the start of your mobile app development

React Native Crash Course 2020

How to Use React Navigation 5 in React Native


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