This issue is pretty full and includes a wide array (see what I did there?) of topics including
debugging, games, forms, and much more!
So Enjoy!
App.js Conf is just over two months away in the beautiful city of Krakow, Poland! The conference
features one full day of talks and an optional second day with five workshops to choose from. Meet the
Expo and Software Mansion teams, the folks behind libraries like react-navigation,
react-native-gesture-handler, react-native-screens, react-native-reanimated, and many more.
The first 10 people to sign up with coupon code...
How Shopify has incorporated React Native into their tech stack and why
they've decided to go full steam ahead building all of their new mobile apps with it!
If you’re familiar with the basics of React Hooks and how to implement them, this post will
introduce you to the new React Redux Hook APIs as an alternative to the omnipresent
connect() high order component.
How a team replaced (some) of their application's native Alert functionality with a root-level
Modal that is backed by Redux, allowing it to be triggered from anywhere in the app, and how you
can do the same!
Forms, you know 'em, you hate 'em love 'em... you're going to use them in your app at
some point and they can get pretty complicated. This post will walk you through creating
custom forms with validation - even including scroll-to functionality.
Automatically detect crashes in your React Native apps using Bugsnag. Handle minified JS using
sourcemaps. Surface fully symbolicated stacktraces for JavaScript, iOS, & Android all in one
place. Try it free.
Chain React will be back in Portland, Oregon on July 29-30, 2020.
Join us for talks, workshops and more fun with the React Native community ⚛️
Early Bird tickets are now available until March 13, 2020 or until they’re sold out!