We made it to issue 100!
A big thank you to those who helped along the way and to you the subscribers!
We look forward to all things React Native in the future, and I know you do too!
Here's a "Quiz with a Twist" app from Sweden and available on the App Store. Built with React Native, FireBase, & MobX! It's a fun game where you play against a bot by answering questions to gain territory. Check it out!
In this extensive article, you'll build a basic note-taking app, complete with multiple screens and react-navigation while leveraging the power of Material UI via react-native-paper to create a stylish finish.
In this tutorial you'll create a live Rock-Paper-Scissors game played by two people on separate devices. Other users will also be able to participate and join as spectators. After each round, the app will update the game and at the end display the final score while using CouchDb as a backend.
This article, from our friends at Instamobile, will show you the power of react-native-debugger by showing you how they debug React Native apps with breakpoints to identify and fix bugs and how you can too!