Issue #68

Hello Readers,

React Native 0.57 is out! Not a lot of major changes but a few things you'll want to keep an eye on, notably that WebView will soon be moved out of React Native core and into its own repo via the "slimmening." Check out more below in the "Updates" section.

The React Native EU talks are available! Framer X is available! And there's a bunch more to digest in this issue so please enjoy!
Frank von Hoven at Infinite Red

React Native EU Videos

A post that includes all the videos of the talks at React Native EU!
Happy watching!

Framer X is Here!

The long wait is over and there is an official release of Framer X - the UI design tool where "Everything you draw in Framer is a React component and exportable to jsx, html or static assets if you need it." Wuttt!

Why & How Words With Friends Is Adopting React Native

In this in-depth post the Words With Friends dev team explains why they're developing their app in React Native, how they decided on it, their plans for contributing to the community, and much much more...!

How to Setup Push Notifications in React Native (iOS & Android) with PubNub

This tutorial walks you through how to install React Native, create a new React Native project and set up push notifications for both iOS and Android using the PubNub service. 

How to Create a Vertical Slider with React Native PanResponder

Use the PanResponder from the React Native API to recognize touch gestures and swipes for creating your own custom vertical slider.

React Native 0.57



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