Issue #63

Hello Readers,

We're 2 weeks away from Chain React! I'm sure I'll see some of you at the conference, so be sure to say "hi" if you spot me!

This issue has a couple of interesting articles and modules as usual but, as you probably know, it's been pretty quiet in the world of React Native lately... you can check out the Updates section to find out why.

Executive Editor,
Frank von Hoven at Infinite Red

React Native at AirBnb

AirBnb shares their experience thus far with React Native and discusses their future plans for it in their stack.

Managing Secrets in a React Native App

How to replace app secrets typically loaded from a deploy environment or dotenv file by using Artsy's Emission module. 

A Swift Developer’s React Native Experience

One developer's journey through development with React Native and his pros and cons.

How an Android Developer Dived into React Native and Survived

An Android developer's tale of working with React Native and Redux and an evaluation of the differences between the two platforms.

Perfect Pulled Pork with React Native, Expo, and Express

A walkthrough of a creative project to monitor a BBQ grill's temperature using React Native.


Chain React Conference 2018

Only two more weeks until Chain React 2018! Join over 500 developers from around the world in Portland, Oregon July 11-13th. Tickets are almost sold out. Grab yours now!

State of React Native 2018



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