RFC: Snapshot API Proposal · Issue #9855
"Snapshotting" is a method commonly used in native app development to provide an efficient way to visually "clone" view hierarchies in a side-effect free way. Having these capabilities allows for more nontrivial animations, especially those that cross boundaries of react component hierarchies, and perhaps need multiple visual copies of the element in order to produce the desired effect.
A safe way to consume React Native NativeModules
This library allows you to more safely interact with native modules, and provide version-specific overrides for the module, as well as mocks to use in the case that the method or module is entirely absent. The result is more code that can be Code Pushed to more users, as well as code that can be tested in an environment without a host app (e.g, Node).
Introduction to React Native Performance - Tal Kol
React Native holds great promise in terms of excellent developer experience with Javascript and code reuse between platforms. The big question is - do these benefits come at the price of performance? How well can React Native hold its own against purely native implementations?
The Concepts of GraphQL
Introduces the app data graph, discusses how GraphQL queries operate on the app data graph, and how to cache GraphQL query results by exploiting their tree structure.
Highlights from facebook/react-native
Add support for animated events
Provides a mapping between a view tag, an event name, an event path, and an animated value when a view has a prop with an AnimatedEvent object. Then hooks into EventDispatcher, checks for events that target a view + event name, and updates the animated value using the event path.
Highlights from the community
Shoutem UI toolkit
An exhaustive UI component set that makes writing cross-platform React Native components as easy as it should be.
Easier React Native upgrades with rn-diff
Upgrading React Native is one of the most difficult tasks you’ll face when working on a long life project. This post explores the reasons why, and offers a solution to alleviate the upgrading headaches.
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Brent Vatne
142 W Hastings St
Vancouver, BC V6B 1G8